Have you ever noticed a musty, stale smell in your home or on your clothing? Chances are, that odor is mildew. Mildew is a type of fungus that tends to grow in dark, damp places. It can be found almost anywhere—in showers and bathrooms, behind walls, under carpets, and even in clothes and bedding. But what does mildew smell like? And how do you get rid of it? Read on to learn more about this smelly fungus and how to get rid of it for good.

What Does Mildew Smell Like?

Mildew has a distinctive musty smell that many describe as being similar to old socks or wet towels. It can also have an earthy odor or a sour smell depending on the type of mildew present. If you’re not sure if the scent you’re smelling is mildew or something else, try placing a few drops of white vinegar on a cotton ball and sniffing it – if it smells like mildew, then you’ve got it!

Where Does Mildew Come From?

Mildew thrives in humid environments with poor air circulation. That’s why it’s often found in basements and bathrooms where moisture accumulates easily. It can also grow on fabrics such as bed sheets and clothing if they aren’t properly dried after washing or if they are stored in damp areas for too long. In addition, mold spores can be spread through air ducts or by coming into contact with contaminated surfaces.

How Do I Get Rid of Mildew Smells?

The best way to get rid of mildew smells is to eliminate the source of the problem – remove any excess moisture from your home by using dehumidifiers or fans, make sure all fabrics are completely dry before storing them away, and clean all surfaces regularly with an anti-fungal cleaner. Additionally, you can use baking soda sprinkled onto fabric items (such as bed sheets) before washing them to help absorb odors as well as add vinegar during the rinse cycle which will help eliminate any remaining foul scents from clothes or towels. For hair that has been contaminated with mildew spores, use a clarifying shampoo followed by an antibacterial conditioner to help remove the smell from strands without drying out your locks too much.

If you've ever encountered the offensive musty odor of mildew, don't panic! You can take easy steps to prevent it from coming back or even keep it away for good. Invest in some dehumidifiers and fans for damp areas, use a cleanser with anti-fungal properties when cleaning fabrics at home - add vinegar during wash cycles too if necessary – and opt for clarifying shampoo followed by an antibacterial conditioner if your hair has been contaminated by those nasty spores. With these precautions taken care of, now you can enjoy fresh smelling air all day long!