If you think your bedroom is complete with a bed, pillows and a mattress, think again! These days there are so many products available that you never knew you needed for your bedroom. From the practical to the downright bizarre, here are our top 10 picks of crazy bedroom essentials.

  1. A Mood Light – Whether it be in the form of an ambient light or a lava lamp, a mood light can add just the right amount of ambience to any room. Put on some chill music and enjoy a cozy night in with your mood light illuminating your space.
  2. A Smart Speaker – If you’re looking for convenience, then look no further than investing in a smart speaker! With voice-activated commands, these speakers allow you to easily play music and control other smart devices within your home - all without lifting a finger.
  3. A Scent Machine – Add some extra flair to your bedroom with an aroma diffuser. Not only will it make your room smell great but its LED lights can also create an ambient atmosphere that helps you relax after a long day at work.
  4. An Underbed Lighting System – Looking for an easy way to find items stored under your bed? Install an underbed lighting system and say goodbye to rummaging around blindly while trying to locate something crucial that has gone missing from underneath the bed!
  5. An Automatic Room Freshener – Tired of having to manually spray air freshener or change those smelly candles? Investing in an automatic room freshener is the perfect solution for keeping odors away from any size of room quickly and effortlessly!
  6. A Sleep Tracker – Are you getting enough sleep at night? Find out by using a sleep tracker - this device will monitor how many hours of sleep you get each night as well as provide helpful tips on how to improve your sleeping habits!
  7. A Smart Mirror – Get ready faster and smarter with this product! Smart mirrors come equipped with features such as calendar reminders, weather forecasts, news updates, and more - all displayed right before your eyes when you look into it!
  8. An Automatic Curtain Opener – Don’t feel like getting out of bed in the mornings? Install an automatic curtain opener which opens curtains at pre-set times so that natural light floods into the room without any effort required on your part!
  9. A Weighted Blanket – Struggling with insomnia? Get yourself one of these weighted blankets - they provide deep pressure stimulation which is known to help reduce stress levels and induce better quality sleep throughout the night!  
  10. A Robot Vacuum Cleaner – Who wants to vacuum their floors when they can have their very own robot do it for them instead? This nifty little machine has sensors so that it knows where not to go as well as where dirt needs cleaning up - all while being incredibly quiet at the same time too!

Everyone deserves a chance at having sweet dreams every single night - even if those dreams involve robots vacuuming up dust bunnies while you’re sound asleep in bed! So why not spruce up your bedroom today by adding some of these weird yet wonderful products that we didn't know we needed until now? You deserve it after all; don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

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