Are you looking for a new toilet for your home? One option to consider is a comfort height toilet. But what exactly is a comfort height toilet and how tall is it? Here’s what you need to know about comfort height toilets, including their benefits and why they are becoming the go-to choice in many homes.

What Is a Comfort Height Toilet?

A comfort height toilet, also known as an “ADA compliant” or “universal height” toilet, is taller than a standard-height toilet. This extra height makes it easier for people with mobility issues to sit down and stand up from the toilet. It also helps those who are taller feel more comfortable when using the toilet. On average, comfort height toilets measure 17 to 19 inches from the floor to the top of the seat—that’s two to four inches higher than standard toilets.

Benefits of Comfort Height Toilets

Most people prefer comfort height toilets because they provide greater convenience and safety. They can reduce fatigue and make it easier to get off and on the toilet without having to bend over as much as you would with a standard-height model. For those who are elderly or have physical disabilities, this can be especially beneficial since there’s less strain on their legs, hips, and back when getting up from the seat. In addition, comfort height toilets often come with other features such as elongated bowls for added seating space, slow-close lids for noise reduction during use, and water tanks that offer better flushing power than standard models.

Why You Should Consider Installing A Comfort Height Toilet

If you want greater convenience, safety, and performance from your next bathroom upgrade, then installing a comfort height toilet could be just what you need. Not only will it make using the restroom easier but it will also look more stylish in your bathroom while providing superior performance compared to conventional toilets. Furthermore, if you have elderly family members or visitors with physical disabilities who might be visiting your home, having a comfort height toilet installed could provide them with added safety and peace of mind while they use your bathroom facilities.

If you’re shopping around for a new bathroom upgrade that offers both convenience and style then consider installing a comfort height toilet in your home! These taller toilets are designed specifically for those who are taller, elderly, or have physical disabilities in mind so that they can easily sit down and stand up without straining themselves too much while using the restroom. Not only do they offer greater convenience than standard toilets, but they also come with other features such as better flushing power or dual flushing methods that can help save water. All in all, if you want an easy way to upgrade your bathroom experience then installing a comfort height toilet should do just that!